Request your card!

If you do not already have a license card, the easiest way to get it is to claim the Iron Passenger Card. You can request a card by completing the attached form. We will send you a confirmation email about your application and your unique identification number. The card becomes valid when the one-year membership fee has been received by the association. The card fee is 6000 Ft and is valid for one year. The Iron Passenger Card also includes accident insurance in addition to the nature protection permit.

Payment can be made via bank at the following account number: 18203167-06020329-40010010. Please also refer to your unique identification number received by email when making a transfer or personal payment. Account holder: Tatabányai Alpin Sportklub. Thank You!

The fields with star must be filled!

Vezetéknév / Last name: *
Keresztnév / First name: *
Ország / Country:*
Irányítószám / ZIP: *
Település / City: *
Utca, házszám / Address: *
Születési dátum / Date of Birth (ÉÉÉÉ.HH.NN.): *
Kártya típusa / Card type: *

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