Castle panorama path – Difficulty level „D” (medium) Ideal for more experienced climbers
It is 180 m long and 55 m high. The boarding can be reached by climbing down slippery stones. Immediately at the beginning, we have to overcome two major climbing steps, and after a little rest and a short climb, we find ourselves at the beginning of the long ridge. At first we can easily move, and then the wall is pushed outwards and in the end we can go to the top of the Great Wall after an uncomfortable climb. Here we continue to go, and after an easy climb, we can see the Exposed Spine. After a few difficult moves on the left side of the spine, we can reach the resting place with easy adventure climbing. This part is the first key place on the road. Then there are two more difficult parts, those who want to, can leave the way down the left-hand path. From here on, the progressers are slowly climbing over the crown of the trees, opening the gorge and the "Castle Panorama". After a light, breezy ridge, we can move to a ledge that leads us to the Shield. This 15 meter wall section can be overcome by a brave jumping after a few harder moves. Here, after a few easy steps, we can rest a little next to the top. Anyone who suffers with this difficulty can get out of the way a few steps up. From here, there are only 30 meters left, at the end with the Tricky Wall. Reaching the bottom corner of the wall in grassy steps, we get more and more downward to the last short vertical ascent. Here we are going to need a few tricky actions and technical moves to climb further. After a few steps, we are on top of the wall and we can enjoy the beautiful panorama. The spectacular gorge, the first ironed road on its rocks, and the beautiful the Castle of Csesznek. The view is especially exciting when lot of climbers are on the Path of the Ostromlok.